Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day Seven

We are still hearing scratching and squeaking in the wall of our bedroom!!!

Justin takes the plywood off the wall to find MAMA CAT... and kittens #4 and #5.

Mama Cat runs away.  Now we have 5 kittens!!  We leave all 5 in the box in the outdoor room where they had been discovered.  We wait...

...We come back 4 hours later, Mama Cat has taken kitten #3 and #2.  Now we have 3 kittens.  We wait again for the return of Mama Cat for her lost kittens...

... 10 hours later, no sign of Mama Cat.  We still have 3 kittens.

By this time it's getting colder and we're worried about the little ones.  We bring them in, conceding that MC isn't coming back for them.  We bottle feed them with the supplies intended to get ONE kitten through ONE night.

A word to the wise: even kitten rescues do not take kittens who are not yet weaned from Mama or the bottle.

The three curl up in a ball of furry kittenness together in the box... the second night.

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